18 research outputs found

    Rank of elements of general rings in connection with unit-regularity

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    We define the rank of elements of general unital rings, discuss its properties and give several examples to support the definition. In semiprime rings we give a characterization of rank in terms of invertible elements. As an application we prove that every element in the socle of a unital semiprime ring is unit-regular.Comment: 13 page

    Final solution to the problem of relating a true copula to an imprecise copula

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    In this paper we solve in the negative the problem proposed in this journal (I. Montes et al., Sklar's theorem in an imprecise setting, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 278 (2015), 48-66) whether an order interval defined by an imprecise copula contains a copula. Namely, if C\mathcal{C} is a nonempty set of copulas, then Cā€¾=infā”{C}CāˆˆC\underline{C} = \inf\{C\}_{C\in\mathcal{C}} and Cā€¾=supā”{C}CāˆˆC\overline{C}= \sup\{C\}_{C\in\mathcal{C}} are quasi-copulas and the pair (Cā€¾,Cā€¾)(\underline{C},\overline{C}) is an imprecise copula according to the definition introduced in the cited paper, following the ideas of pp-boxes. We show that there is an imprecise copula (A,B)(A,B) in this sense such that there is no copula CC whatsoever satisfying Aā©½Cā©½BA \leqslant C\leqslant B. So, it is questionable whether the proposed definition of the imprecise copula is in accordance with the intentions of the initiators. Our methods may be of independent interest: We upgrade the ideas of Dibala et al. (Defects and transformations of quasi-copulas, Kybernetika, 52 (2016), 848-865) where possibly negative volumes of quasi-copulas as defects from being copulas were studied.Comment: 20 pages; added Conclusion, added some clarifications in proofs, added some explanations at the beginning of each section, corrected typos, results remain the sam

    Compressed zero-divisor graphs of noncommutative rings

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    We extend the notion of the compressed zero-divisor graph Ī˜(R)\varTheta(R) to noncommutative rings in a way that still induces a product preserving functor Ī˜\varTheta from the category of finite unital rings to the category of directed graphs. For a finite field FF, we investigate the properties of Ī˜(Mn(F))\varTheta(M_n(F)), the graph of the matrix ring over FF, and give a purely graph-theoretic characterization of this graph when nā‰ 3n \neq 3. For nā‰ 2n \neq 2 we prove that every graph automorphism of Ī˜(Mn(F))\varTheta(M_n(F)) is induced by a ring automorphism of Mn(F)M_n(F). We also show that for finite unital rings RR and SS, where SS is semisimple and has no homomorphic image isomorphic to a field, if Ī˜(R)ā‰…Ī˜(S)\varTheta(R) \cong \varTheta(S), then Rā‰…SR \cong S. In particular, this holds if S=Mn(F)S=M_n(F) with nā‰ 1n \neq 1.Comment: 30 page

    Categorial properties of compressed zero-divisor graphs of finite commutative rings

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    We define a compressed zero-divisor graph Ī˜(K)\varTheta(K) of a finite commutative unital ring KK, where the compression is performed by means of the associatedness relation. We prove that this is the best possible compression which induces a functor Ī˜\varTheta, and that this functor preserves categorial products (in both directions). We use the structure of Ī˜(K)\varTheta(K) to characterize important classes of finite commutative unital rings, such as local rings and principal ideal rings.Comment: 14 page

    The total zero-divisor graph of commutative rings

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    In this paper we initiate the study of the total zero-divisor graphs over commutative rings with unity. These graphs are constructed by both relations that arise from the zero-divisor graph and from the total graph of a ring. We characterize Artinian rings with the connected total zero-divisor graphs and give their diameters. Moreover, we compute major characteristics of the total zero-divisor graphs of the ring Zm{\mathbb Z}_m of integers modulo mm and prove that the total zero-divisor graphs of Zm{\mathbb Z}_m and Zn{\mathbb Z}_n are isomorphic if and only if m=nm=n

    A full scale Sklar's theorem in the imprecise setting

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    In this paper we present a surprisingly general extension of the main result of a paper that appeared in this journal: I. Montes et al., Sklar's theorem in an imprecise setting, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 278 (2015), 48--66. The main tools we develop in order to do so are: (1) a theory on quasi-distributions based on an idea presented in a paper by R. Nelsen with collaborators; (2) starting from what is called (bivariate) pp-box in the above mentioned paper we propose some new techniques based on what we call restricted (bivariate) pp-box; and (3) a substantial extension of a theory on coherent imprecise copulas developed by M. Omladi\v{c} and N. Stopar in a previous paper in order to handle coherence of restricted (bivariate) pp-boxes. A side result of ours of possibly even greater importance is the following: Every bivariate distribution whether obtained on a usual Ļƒ\sigma-additive probability space or on an additive space can be obtained as a copula of its margins meaning that its possible extraordinariness depends solely on its margins. This might indicate that copulas are a stronger probability concept than probability itself.Comment: 16 pages, minor change

    Coherence and avoidance of sure loss for standardized functions and semicopulas

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    We discuss avoidance of sure loss and coherence results for semicopulas and standardized functions, i.e., for grounded, 1-increasing functions with value 11 at (1,1,ā€¦,1)(1,1,\ldots, 1). We characterize the existence of a kk-increasing nn-variate function CC fulfilling Aā‰¤Cā‰¤BA\leq C\leq B for standardized nn-variate functions A,BA,B and discuss the method for constructing this function. Our proofs also include procedures for extending functions on some countably infinite mesh to functions on the unit box. We provide a characterization when AA respectively BB coincides with the pointwise infimum respectively supremum of the set of all kk-increasing nn-variate functions CC fulfilling Aā‰¤Cā‰¤BA\leq C\leq B.Comment: 31 pages, 2 figure

    Nilkolobarji in prakolobarji

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    The problem of characterizing zero product preserving maps has been studied by several authors in many different settings. Recently such maps have been considered on prime rings with nontrivial idempotents. Most of the known results assume that the map in question is bijective. In the thesis we extend these results by considering non-injective maps. More precisely, we characterize surjective additive zero product preserving maps ā–«theta:AtoBtheta : A to Bā–«, where ā–«AAā–« is a ring with a nontrivial idempotent and ā–«BBā–« is a prime ring. We also investigate maps on rings with involution that preserve zeros of ā–«xyastxy^astā–«. In particular, we obtain a characterization of surjective additive maps ā–«theta:AtoBtheta : A to Bā–« such that for all ā–«x,yinAx,y in Aā–« we have ā–«theta(x)theta(y)ast=0theta(x) theta(y)^ast = 0ā–« if and only if ā–«xyast=0xy^ast = 0ā–«. Here ā–«AAā–« is a unital prime ring with involution that contains a nontrivial idempotent and ā–«BBā–« is a prime ring with involution. In the second part of the thesis we devote our attention to nil rings. One of the most important open problems concerning nilrings is the Kƶthe conjecture, which states that a ring with no nonzero nilideals should have no nonzero nil one-sided ideals. There are many known statements that are equivalent to the Kƶthe conjecture and we add one more to the list. It has been proved that, when considering the validity of these statements, we may restrict ourselves to algebras over fields. We observe in the thesis that we may additionally restrict ourselves to finitely generated prime algebras. Furthermore, we investigate the connections between nilpotent, algebraic, and quasi-regular elements. It is well known that an algebraic Jacobson radical algebra over a field is nil. We generalize this result to algebras over certain PIDs and in particular to rings. On the way to this result we introduce the notion of a pipi-algebraic element, i.e. an element that is a zero of a polynomial with the sum of coefficients equal to one. As a corollary we show that if every element of a ring ā–«RRā–« is ā–«pipiā–«-algebraic then ā–«RRā–« is a nil ring, and at the same time obtain a new characterization of the upper nilradical. At the end we investigate the structure of the set of all ā–«pipiā–«-algebraic elements of a ring.Problem karakterizacije preslikav, ki ohranjajo ničelni produkt, so Å”tudirali Å”tevilni avtorji v mnogih različnih kontekstih. Nedavno so bile take preslikave obravnavane na prakolobarjih z netrivialnimi idenpotenti. Večina znanih rezultatov predpostavlja, da so omenjene preslikave bijektivne. V disertaciji razÅ”irimo te rezultate tako, da obravnavamo neinjektivne preslikave. Natančneje, podamo karakterizacijo surjektivnih aditivnih preslikav ā–«theta:AtoBtheta : A to Bā–«, ki ohranjajo ničelni produkt, kjer je ā–«AAā–« kolobar z netrivialnim idempotentom, ā–«BBā–« pa prakolobar. RaziŔčemo tudi preslikave na kolobarjih z involucijo, ki ohranjajo ničle ā–«xyastxy^astā–«. V posebnem karakteriziramo surjektivne aditivne preslikave ā–«theta:AtoBtheta : A to Bā–«, za katere za vse ā–«x,yinAx,y in Aā–« velja ā–«theta(x)theta(y)ast=0theta(x) theta(y)^ast = 0ā–« natanko tedaj, ko je ā–«xyast=0xy^ast = 0ā–«. Pri tem je ā–«AAā–« enotski prakolobar z involucijo, ki vsebuje netrivialen idempotent, ā–«BBā–« pa prakolobar z involucijo. V drugem delu disertacije se posvetimo nilkolobarjem. Eden najpomembnejÅ”ih odprtih problemovs področja nilkolobarjev je Kƶthejeva domneva, ki pravi, da kolobar brez neničelnih nilidealov nima niti neničelnih nil enostranskih idealov. Znanih je mnogo trditev, ki so ekvivalentne Kƶthejevi domnevi, in mi dodamo Å”e eno na ta seznam. Dokazano je bilo, da se je za obravnavo veljavnosti teh trditev dovolj omejiti na algebre nad komutativnimi obsegi. V disertaciji opazimo, da se lahko Å”e dodatno omejimo na končno generirane praalgebre. Poleg tega raziŔčemo povezave med nilpotentnimi, algebraičnimi in kvaziregularnimi elementi. Znano je, da je vsaka algebraična Jacobsonovo radikalna algebra nad komutativnim obsegom nilalgebra. Ta rezultat posploÅ”imo na algebre nad določenimi glavnimi kolobarji in v posebnem na kolobarje. Na poti do tega rezultata vpeljemo pojem ā–«pipiā–«-algebraičnega elementa, tj. elementa, ki je ničla polinoma z vsoto koeficientov ena. Posledično dokažemo, da je kolobar, v katerem je vsak element ā–«pipiā–«-algebraičen, avtomatično nilkolobar, hkrati pa dobimo tudi novo karakterizacijo zgornjega nilradikala. Na koncu raziŔčemo strukturo množice vseh ā–«pipiā–«-algebraičnih elementov kolobarja

    Optimal real number graph labelings of a

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    subfamily of Kneser graphs